Kerry Kulkens


Incense Love Luck Protection Money Health


Incense  is used by just about all religions for their rituals and worshiping practices.  The three wise men followed a star and gave the new born king Frankincense and Myrrh as an offering.  Incense can be used to banish bad spirits, it can be used to bring good luck good fortune or can be used as a protection when dealing with negative energy.  Below is a BASIC list of what the fragrances are used for.

Our incense range Priced at $4.95 per Pkt of 20 sticks.

Boronia:  helpful for those suffering from nervous strain, either as  an air-freshener or burn it in your bedroom before retiring.
Caraway:  used by ancient priests on the body before sacred ceremonies.
Cardamon: burn in the room of an asthmatic before he or she retires to bed.
Cassia: enriches the atmosphere.  Use during the day.
Cedarwood:  for use before meditation and as a masculine perfume.
Cloves: helpful for a speech impediment or someone who stutters.
Frankincense: essential for success in church rituals and meditation.
Geranium:  used by may females as a feminine touch to the house.
Ginger:  makes a dinner party a success by producing a warming feeling to the house.
Jasmine:  used for weddings and festivities. Also for feminine influence.
Lavender: relieves feelings of fatigue, depression or irritation.
Lemon:  helps to clear the mind of unwanted thoughts.
Lemon grass: used for psychic work and meditation.
Mace:  use in waiting rooms and invalid’s rooms.
Neroli:  helps the nervous system and helps to elevate the consciousness.  For gladdening the spirit.
Orange:   rids odour from kitchens, dining rooms and halls.
Origanum : used to encourage the appetite.  Use before meals.
Patchouli:  used for meditation and to contact spirits.
Pine: burn when listening to music, for relaxation time, and at a musical gathering.
Rose:  creating a beautiful effect on emotions and a peaceful atmosphere.
  helps poor eyesight, memory and concentration.
helpful for the nervous system and concentration.
Sandalwood:   used to inspire and elevate the consciousness.
Sassafras: used for psychic protection.
used on unco-operative children.
Verbena: used on verandahs or patios near plants or flowers.
Vetiver:  helpful for driving away evil influences.
Ylang-Ylang: used for meditation and a suitable evening incense.


Concentration and Willpower: bay, cedarwood, ginger, sage.

Meditation: lavender, rose, sandalwood, patchouli, ylang-ylang, jasmine.

Relaxation:  cardamon, cajeput, lavender, pine, lemongrass.

Purification: caraway, cinnamon, lemon, lime, sandalwood.

Devotional:  neroli, rose, ylang-ylang, boronia, jasmine.

Psychic work:  bergamot, lavender,lemongrass letitrain, sandalwood, verbena.

Healing:  bay, rose, juniper, vetiver, sandalwood, mandarin, lemon.

Music and Speech:  cloves, pine, geranium, spearmint.

Memory and Mental stimulation:  rosemary, pine, thyme, sage.

Mealtimes and Dinner parties: ginger, orange.

Weddings and Festivities:  neroli, rose, boronia, jasmine.

Children:  ti-tree, ginger, rose, verbena.

Feminine Influence:  cedarwood, juniper, pine, ginger.

Day Time use:  cassia, pine, cloves, orange. (for sun type meditations).

Evening use:  ylang-ylang, patchouli, lavender, jasmine. (for moon type meditations).

We have an extensive range of Incense, Herbs and Oils but don't stock them all the time due to the shelf life of these products. If you wish to order a particular blend of incense please go to our contact page.

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