Sign up to True Psychic Stories and read true Stories of events that have taken place involving the spiritual and supernatural world. You can also get your questions Answered.
Private readings consist of Numerology, Palmistry, Tarot and what comes through Clairvoyantly.
To make a booking you would need to ring the shop on 03 97544587 or book on line via our website.
If you wish a booking on the same day, we suggest you ring the shop prior to 9am to see if any cancellations have occurred overnight.
“Kerry Kulkens Magic Shop™ does not collaborate with third-party psychics or spiritual practitioners. If you have concerns about someone claiming an association, please contact us immediately.”
Kerry Kulkens Magic Shop is located at 1693 Burwood Hwy Belgrave Vic 3160. Please ring before you come as the shop is not open all the time due to media and charity commitments.